Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Love Letter to my Rutgers Family

Sappy disclaimer: I’m in that post-grad sentimental stage, so if you don’t like the smush, skip to your name/section/end =)

(If I tagged you but you weren't specifically named, it means that I haven't gotten around to writing yours but you are referred to as someone who's impacted me... Yea I got lazy/tired)

To my RCC family: RCC was the first place I ever felt at home in at Rutgers, and so much more than a student organization to me. I truly gained a FAMILY, a group of people I know I can count on to have my back, to believe in me, and whom I can see brilliant things coming from because I have witnessed firsthand the magnitude of your passion, determination, and focus.
Lo Gong Alex Chan, you have always treated me with the greatest kindness, generosity, and support that I’m certain I’m undeserving of; your humility, dedication, and practical rationality kept me from going off the deep end in the worst of times, and one of the rare people I know I can always count on to be there for me no matter the circumstances. Thank you for being so good to me, and I can’t wait to see the great successes I know is headed your way!
To my mui mui’s Tiffie and Lizzie: you girls were the shining stars in my RCC career, and I could not be more proud of the professional and personal growth I’ve seen in both of you! You both stepped up to the plate magnificently as Co-Presidents, while remaining the sweet, passionate, charming, loveable and pragmatic young women you’ve always been. I love you both like you were truly my mui muis, and know that if you ever need ANYTHING, give me a call and I’ll come running. Always.
To the jie jies and dai los that lead the way for me – Alex Chan, Jay Ho, Yuchen, Ying and others: It was YOUR inspiration, leadership, and encouragement that at once humbled me and invigorated my drive to uphold the foundations of family, unity, and responsibility you established five years ago. Thank you for setting the way and showing what it means to truly be a role model and inspiration to me when I needed someone to look up to the most. Alex and Jay: You guys believed and saw something in me when I had nothing to show for it. Your encouragement gave me the confidence to take up leadership, and the faith in the power of RCC’s familial ties. I can’t be grateful enough to you both… Yuchen: Mother! What a lady to look up to... you showed me how to be a fierce leader when necessary without compromising your loveable self, something I tried to emulate/replicate with hesitant success. Your compassion and selflessness will pay off with the kids you continue to inspire as a teacher! Ying: Though our interaction was brief in comparison, the deep impression you left always serves as the ultimate ideal of how I define leadership. You continue to be the person I hope to become, and your legacy won’t ever be forgotten by me.

To my aKDPhi Sisters: I would be NOTHING without this chapter. I could write pages about how much I owe this sisterhood, and the people who have encouraged, inspired, and pushed me to my limits and revealed to me the true meaning of determination, perseverance, faith, and sisterhood. I’m proud to be a sister of this Rutgers aKDPhi legacy, from the moment I pledged till the day I die, because I know this LnF to be eternal.
To my Biggie Diamante: I don’t know what I’ve ever done to deserve someone as GOOD as you. I have never (and I don’t think I ever will) met someone as loving, selfless, and unwavering as you have been to me. When I think of ideal sisterhood, I think of you, and I hope I make you proud one day! Thank you for never giving up on me, giving me 500% of your love, and being the perfect big <3
To my NuBs, Mommy Mo, and Pop: Nus – as far as personality goes, we are pretty much as opposite ends of the two-dimensional spectrum as it gets, but as Mommy Mo has said, we wouldn’t be complete even without just one of us there. You put up with all my crap and vice versa, we made it through everything together, and I couldn’t imagine us any other way. Love you guys <3 Mommy Mo – you are the GLUE to this family, just like any other mom. You showed us how to be strong, and face life together with strength, conviction, and with a no-bullshit attitude. You’re beautiful, strong, and intelligent, and I can’t wait to see you be a hot and successful MILF 20 years down the line! Pop X – One of the few people who know all of my facets, you’re one of my favourite people to be around. Thank you for being silly, reprimanding, motivational, sympathetic, and pragmatic when I needed it most.
Littles: Jouet – My little sis is the sweetest and most amiable girl I have ever met, and I am so proud to be able to call you little. You’ve shown such incredible sisterhood already, something crucial to our lineage, and I can’t wait to see you active and carry on that legacy. Pudgy – my silly, goofy doofus of a little bro – you take care of me and make sure I’m still sane, and read me like a book when I tell you I’m doing fine. I look forward to seeing you do big things and grow up to be an incredible young man.
Rascals - you kids are my pride and joy! Being a pledge mom to you guys was as much of a journey and learning process for me as it was for you, and I'm honored to be your Mummy (despite having coined my PE name that has forever haunted me after). Never forget that your strength lies in your differences, and that our sisterhood means we'll be there for each other, no matter what time of night or circumstance or temporary differences. I love you girls, and I will come back for you if you ever need... <3
Ninz – My PERSPECTIVE-giving, spunky, sassy, fiercely loyal, work/party hard wonderwoman. I would fight a hundred bitches for you. You’re amazing. Enough said <3
BooBie – my partner-in-crime, my “other woman”, and one of the best things to ever happen to me at Rutgers. Thanks for keeping it real with me, sharing my love for nearly EVERYTHING, being there for me when I needed you most (i.e. sharing your bed for nearly two months straight despite the fact that you’re germ-phobic and I’m chock full of them), and generally being a true sister. I am thoroughly convinced that there is no one good enough for you, and will always harbour a slight resentment towards your future husband for taking your attention and lovin away from me.
Wubs – you really are my wifey/husband. Hardworking and dedicated to a fault yet never pretentious or arrogant, unforgivingly dorky yet effortlessly cool, easy-to-adore but never demanding of it, I seriously fell in love with you from the moment I met you, and I’m so glad we’ve made it through these four years as sisters, and the rest of our lives. And this is the only time I will list what I really think of you, so I hope you have it saved, you unfaithful wench. I WILL DENY EVERYTHING.
Bigfoot and Cyndar – Bellissima! I can’t wait to be alums with you guys… Our sisterhood began when I pledged, but I know it’ll continue to grow even as we get old and wrinkly.

To my AACC family – This program was one of the most fulfilling, challenging, and gratifying experiences I have ever had the privilege of participating in. From the mentors that guided, pushed, and evaluated us, to the irreplaceable Junior Intern family that slaved together night and day, to the juggling act that was the Senior Internship, it was the people who shaped and taught me everything. I could not have accomplished what I have, and learned to be who I am today without the AACC.
Chris, Hao, Brian – you guys are the pain-in-the-ass siblings I never wanted to have… Being Interns – and more importantly, being family – with you has been such a privilege and a blessing. Your support, reassurance, and teasing got me through one of the most challenging years of my life, and I’m so glad to call you guys my fellow gammas. Chris – I mean it when I call you “goh”. I know I can count on you through everything, and even though you pretend to be gruff and stoic I know you’re marshmallow fluff inside when it comes to meee =). BK – You are such a sweetheart (er, I mean big manly Korean) underneath all that teasing, and you had my back no matter the circumstances. Thanks for always looking out for me, you’re going to do big things one day! Hao – the comic relief and the only one that was always on my side! You were always the (unconsciously) goofy one, yet I had so much to learn from you about professionalism and prioritization.
Emily - my love, my other partner in crime, and the one that always got me! You were one of the few people I met at Rutgers that I immediately knew I would adore and connect with. You are such a fierce, lovable, tour-de-force that never ceased to amaze me with your dedication and empathy. Thanks for being my girl in our rowdy band of JIs, you were all I ever needed <3

Victoria – I met you in the most unlikely of circumstances, and ultimately forged what was for me a friendship that was meant to be. You know a different side of me that few others can really say they understand, and we experienced a truly once in a lifetime experience together. Although we don’t get to see each other often (something that we MUST change!), you’ve remained one of the friends I trust to never judge, always empathize, and unfailingly break out into dance with, regardless of the situation. You are such a beautiful, intelligent, sassy, grounded girl, and I was truly blessed (and preordained!) to have met you.

To the people that have molded, driven, cared for, and contributed to the person I am today:

These past four years have been an incredible period of growth, happiness, and inspiration for me; I could not ask for a better college experience and more importantly a greater group of friends who couldn’t have treated me with greater kindness, faith, and love than you all. I truly appreciate, admire, and take for granted how supportive you have been, no matter how long I have known you for. I really mean it when I say that without you guys by my side, I would still be that dorky, unsure, unconfident fatty I came into college as. (She still lives on inside, but definitely overshadowed by the confidence and reassurance instilled in me!)

I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I do know that whatever it is I face, I will have the guidance, support, and confidence of the friends who brought me this far. So here begins the rest of my life…