Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 2

Day 1 (of Week 2)

Classes began... the course material and discussions are incredibly interesting, but the workload is insane. i've already found myself spending alot of time doing homework... alot more than I usually do over a semester back at home. Meet Allaire and Chael, and afterwards head back to the apartment to chill. Talk to Marcia for the first time in weeks, and I realize how much i miss her - it really has been the longest time that we've been apart, and we're living such different lives right now... head out around 5 to watch Eclipse with Liz, Ryan, Catherine, and Robert. We literally trek all the way across Rome into the Touristy end, PAST the Pantheon, just to catch the movie in English. Was surprised by how good the movie was, and even better, how COMFY the seats in the Roman movie theater was - you literally get individual couches! Walked back to the Pantheon, grabbed a panini, and ate dinner on the fountain right staring at it's entrance. That's when it hit me- I'm not just any tourist in Rome - I live here now. I eat lunch on the steps of Roman arches and fountains that have been here for hundreds of years, staring at apartments and walking on cobblestone streets steeped in history - and I don't even realize how much I should be in awe of this. It was just another dinner, another place to sit down and chill in the shadow of the monument where Bernini and Victor Emmanuel now lies. Despite my newly found jadedness, we walk over to the Fountain of the Four Rivers (where in Angels and Demons, the Albino drowns the man before Tom Hanks gets the chance to save him), and I click away with my camera and pretend to be Robert Langdon. We trek all the way back to Trastevere, and grab gelato on the way - of course.

Day 2 - just another day of classes. we cook for the first time in our apartment, and we all eat together - just pasta with meat and vegetables. Manage to finish my homework and pass out by 1. I must wake up by 8:15 every day to get to class by 9... it's a weird occurrence for me, but I'm adapting to waking up earlier.

Day 3 - Class all day. Eat lunch with Allaire and Chael and two other boys, and then head back to Guarini campus to try to get some work done. End up falling asleep on the couch in the lounge instead, and wake up to Ryan's phone call for the cooking class. We make carbonara, some beef skewers with cheese and sage, and tiramisu with a gorgeous Italian chef, Andrea. I think he liked me (as a student) because he spoke to me more than the others and assigned me more cooking. Ate with Ryan, Josh, and Craig, and then left for the Spain/Germany World Cup game that was to be broadcasted by FIFA at the Villa Borghese. it takes us almost an hour to get there, and we get lost in Rome and end up watching the last five minutes of the game in an American bar in the middle of tourist district. I trek back quite late with Josh and Craig, and finish my papers and reading...

Day 4 - today! I have four readings and a paper to finish, and I am planning on going to Tuscany this weekend... it's going to be a great weekend, but I hate that I have these readings in the back of my mind... I'll just have to try to cram it all in now before I leave.

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