Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Had a really fun night with some old friends... and realized that so much has changed, yet the personality of our relationships have stayed the same. It's a really good feeling, knowing that there are some things that you could steadily depend on.

I am, for the most part, a terrible friend. I'm too lazy to text people about how they've been, forget birthdays, am unsentimental about gifts (both giving and receiving), cannot for the life of me remember to call people up to meet up when they're home, and just an all-around sucky person at maintaining friendships, especially long-distance ones.

Which is why I've been so blessed with people that would do all those things for me. That know, despite the fact that I'm an airhead and forget things and am too unthoughtful to call them up, that I really do in fact still care for them and want to know how they're doing. And, best of all, they're the kind of people that wouldn't hold it against me because they just take it for who I am. Although I see them a couple times a year, they probably will know me better than most of the people I see every day.

Cheers to this little ragtag gang of dorky kids from suburban New Jersey.

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