Saturday, April 3, 2010

you're pretty confident in yourself and sometimes even seem to act like you (or your sisters) are the shit. but honestly, what is one thing about your appearance that you dont like?

Wow, I'm not sure how to take this one... should I be offended? lol I dunno about acting like my sisters and I are the shit, but yes, I do have a deep pride in who I am and the letters I wear. Why shouldn't I be? I worked hard for these letters, and am just as aware of my capabilities as I am of my weaknesses. I've found over the years that it does no good to anyone who dwells on the weaker parts of themselves; I believe in either doing something about it or compensating by making another aspect of myself stronger. I'm self-aware and confident in who I am, but I guess that can be construed as cockiness...?

I actually don't have much that I DO like about my body. I've always been a little (correction: alot more than a little) insecure about my body, but I am particularly aware of my chubbery cheeks and round nose. And my belly, eek! But at the end of the day I think I'd rather be happy and chubby than skinny and miserable... Wasn't it Audrey Hepburn that said "I believe the happiest girls are the prettiest girls"?

Ask me anything

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