Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hey I'm interested in AACC but I'm a huge mix of ethnicities and it seems Asian orgs at Rutgers are intimidating if you aren't all about Asian life. How would i go about getting around to the AACC but still keeping my identity outside of the Asian label.

I'm so glad you asked! I completely understand what you mean about the Asian organizations on campus - they're all a great way to meet people and get involved, but alot of them are composed of very die-hard "Asian" Asian-Americans that don't really expand much outside of that network (I should know, I'm in quite a few!) - not that that's necessarily a bad thing!

The Asian American Cultural Center is a completely different sanction of Student Life though, and through this department you can actually access alot of incredible opportunities to meet people from ALL OVER the Rutgers University, not just the Asian American population. It has great connects to the other cultural centers, the CAPS office, other Student Life divisions and TONS of faculty, administrators, and student leaders that can help you find where you're most comfortable and happy. Rutgers is SUCH a huge school, and there's such a huge emphasis on Student Life, you'll be hard-pressed to find an area of student interest that's not covered!

Having such a diverse background like yours is such a blessing, because you can explore the different facets of your ethnicities and cultural history, and even current social issues people of color ALL experience today. The great thing that I've experienced while working at the AACC is that alot of the social and political issues we discuss as a community reaches so much further than the confines of the label "Chinese-American" or "Korean-American", but as a collective minority student population. Even by joining Asian Student Council, you'll be able to meet representatives from the Latino Student Council or the United Black Council or even the RUSA assembly, giving you great networks that expand way, way past just the "Asian" niche.

For you, I think the key balance is to figure out how to explore that Asian American side of you without being caught up with the "Asian label", as you put it haha. For me personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with being Asian-American -along with everything else you are! I take great pride in being a Chinese AMERICAN, and while I've found other opportunities to expand my network past the Asian community (namely, through the AACC and my sorority), just visiting the AACC can open alot of doors for you to meet and get involved with the AACC.

That was a really long rant, but the bottom line of action I would recommend you would be to:

1. Come to the AACC and talk to any of the Interns (myself included, if I'm still around next year HEH HEH) and/or JI LEE, the director of the AACC and quite a lady. Ji's the perfect person to hook you up to the AACC, as she's the resident boss lady and does EVERYTHING on campus! She knows EVERYTHING... lol. Also, the interns have alot of great connects too, and having been involved with the Center for at least a year or two, they'll be able to give great advice for what the next step for you to get involved would be.

2. Check out the Junior Internship program! It's a wonderful way to get involved with the Center and meet all sorts of people - student leaders, faculty, deans, administrators; PEOPLE who shake things up at Rutgers and make an impact. There is an application process, but don't be afraid to ask about it and see if it'll be something you're interested in! It was one of the most rewarding programs I'd ever experienced (and that's saying alot, I've been through alot!) and DEFINITELY worth at least checking out!

If you've got any additional questions and don't mind emailing me, hollur at fayemao89@gmail.com

Ask away!

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