Tuesday, June 8, 2010

birthday cake!

Celebrating birthday a month early, since me nor the twin nor the pops will be in the same country for the first time ever. can't wait for the green tea cake from gateaux tonight... 've been craving cake since the last time I had it.


but seriously, though, in the (almost) 21 years me and mei have celebrated our birthdays, we've never had a big shebang of a birthday party... and this is the last milestone for a while. I guess we'll just have to celebrate when we get back...

I feel obligated to do an end-of-the-year post, as I always do, but there's just too much to try to include in to the post, and it's not nearly dark enough outside yet for me to get contemplative. Will revert to drowning out my brain with korean dramas, as usual... i think my episodes finished downloading =]

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